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Marie Fredriksson gick tyvärr bort 9 December, 2019 efter en 17 år lång kamp mot cancern. Fans, vänner och kollegor runtom i världen var alla tagna av hennes bortgång.
Per Gessle sörjer hans långtida vän och musikaliska partner med en ny låt titulerad “Around The Corner (The Comfort Song)” featuring Helena Josefsson.
Läs Pers personliga brev nedan om låten. Den släpps 28 Februari.
Per Gessle:
“Music is an extraordinary thing. It can bring a smile to your face and create so many wonderful images in your heart and mind. It can also help you through grim times. Some songs even feel like they were written just for you, especially for you. Isn’t that strange? Or maybe it just means we’re all the same?
I finished writing ”Around The Corner” the day after Marie died. Three days later my mother-in-law died. Death was on the plate. I wrote it for me. But I guess I also wrote it for all of you out there. We are many who lost someone dear and don’t really know where to go.
Here it is, my comfort song.”
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© Warner Music Sweden