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”It’s sorta post-Riot grrrl, post-No Wave, experimental music and completely engaging from beginning to end.” – Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) i NME
“Dyster, men vacker omfamning av totalt mörker.” – Festivalrykten
Rome is not a Town from Göteborg, Sweden debut with the one-side-only 7″, Stupid, in 2015, followed by the 12″EP “Careful Like You Cared” 2016. With their alarming indierock full of noisy guitars they’ve already started to build a solid live reputation.
“It’s a Dare” Rome is not a towns debutalbum, produced by Per Stålberg, Pelle Gunnerfeldt and the band.
First single: I’m In A Brand available Aug 22
Picking Garbage
Say Yeah
I’m In A Brand
Common Sense
Behave and Die
Can You Feel Rush
You Can Be Whatever You Set Your Mind To
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