QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT – Extrakonsert i Royal Arena den 2 juli

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EKSTRA koncert med Queen + Adam Lambert i Royal Arena torsdag 2. juli

Den alterobrende “Rhapsody” Tour kommer til Europa / Queen + Adam Lambert tilføjer EKSTRA koncerter til deres 2020 Europatour

Royal Arena 1. juli (UDSOLGT)
Royal Arena 2. juli (EKSTRA)

Billetterne til den populære “Rhapsody” koncert i Royal Arena 1. juli, blev udsolgt samme dag som den blev annonceret og sat i salg, så vi er enormt glade for at kunne offentliggøre at det er lykkedes at presse et ekstra show ind i bandets kalender, dagen efter – den 2. juli.

Billetter: PL1 sidde 910,- / PL2 sidde 750,- / PL2U stå 750,- / PL3 sidde 550 kr. + gebyr.
Der vil være presale for folk tilmeldt Ticketmasters venteliste til koncerten den 1. juli. Presalet begynder i dag 11. december kl. 00.01, og forløber indtil onsdag 11. december kl. 12.00 hvor det officielle billetsalg starter via livenation.dk og ticketmaster.dk
VIP Pakker: Ultimate ‘On Stage’ VIP Experience, Gold VIP Lounge, Hot Ticket.

Efter at have rocket Nordamerika godt og grundigt ved 25 gigantiske shows gennem sommeren, der fik fantastiske anmeldelser – “det er højt, det er sjovt, og det er uforglemmeligt” – og spillet for fulde huse for tæt på 400.000 tilskuere, offentliggør Queen + Adam Lambert, at de tilføjer yderligere datoer til deres helt nye, og længe ventede ”Rhapsody” Tour i UK og Europa næste år.
Med det, der således vil være deres første europæiske datoer siden den verdensomspændende biograf- og box office succes, “Bohemian Rhapsody” -filmen, afslører Queen + Adam Lambert i dag, at de vil spille 5 ekstra koncerter i Londons O2, dermed i alt 10 koncerter i London, samt yderligere shows i Danmark og Spanien.

Det helt nye ”Rhapsody” show, der allerede er hyldet som ”a marvel of technical advances,”, starter i det nye år i 2020 med 17 gigantiske arena- og stadionshows gennem Sydkorea, Japan, Australien og New Zealand. Ekstravagancen ankommer derefter til England og Europa i slutningen af foråret. Queens originale bandmedlemmer Brian May og Roger Taylor slår sig igen sammen med frontmanden igennem længere tid Adam Lambert på lead vokal, og spiller i ni lande fra slutningen af maj til begyndelsen af juli.

Europaturnéen begynder i Italien den 24. maj med det sidste stop i Madrid den 7. + 8. juli. Undervejs kommer touren til Holland, Belgien, Frankrig, Tyskland og Schweiz samt Storbritannien, hvor datoerne centreres omkring ti London-shows i O2 Arena, der begynder den 2. juni. De tilføjede O2 shows foregår 8., 17., 18., 20. og 21. juni. Billetsalget starter i dag 11. december.

I løbet af de seks uger af denne etape af ”Rhapsody” -touren, vil det europæiske publikum omsider få chancen for at se det episke nye show, der har fået respekt og anerkendelse gennem hele den nordamerikanske tour, og blev årets hotteste rock-ticket i USA. Som altid er de mestrer i ekstravagant performance og overdådige visuals, og Queen + Adam Lamberts nyeste produktion er igen skabt af Stufish Entertainment Architects’ set-designer Ric Lipson og lysdesigner Rob Sinclair, som begge har en langvarig tilknytning til Queen inklusiv den seneste “News Of The World”-turné.

Lipson beskriver den 2,5-times produktion som ”a new chapter in the history of the band.Once again for them expanding the parameters of what a live music experience can be, this new show delivers the band’s most spectacular yet, an innovative and interactive celebration of the continued power of Queen’s music.”

Turnéen kommer på et tidspunkt hvor Queen fortsat ridder på momentum fra deres box-office, Oscar-vindende “Bohemian Rhapsody”-biograffilm, der har introduceret deres musik til nye publikummer med rekordstore resultater. Udover at være den højst indtjenende musikbiograffilm gennem tiderne, er den også i Storbritannien nummer 1 bedst sælgende film i 2019 ved såkaldte home release.

Queens originale soundtrack til filmen er forblevet højt placeret på den britiske albumhitliste lige siden debuten i november 2018. I USA blev det bandets højst placerede album i 38 år, og Queen solgte flere albums i Nordamerika end nogen anden kunstner i første halvdel af 2019. Den tidløse og banebrydende “Bohemian Rhapsody” -video har nået en historisk milliard visninger på YouTube, hvilket gør det til det mest sete musikklip fra det 20. århundrede. Derudover har YouTube-visningen af “Don’t Stop Me Now” lige passeret 500 millioner views.

I denne uge har Apple Music udråbt Queen som en af de mest streamede rock-artister globalt set af Apple Musics brugere i 2019.

Ved afsløringen og nyheden, som bandets britiske og europæiske fans længe har ventet på, siger Queens Roger Taylor: “We’re back and we’re hot.”

En begejstret Brian May siger: “This is a fearsome new production taking the Queen legacy to a new place. I’m well proud.”

Adam Lambert tilføjer: “I can’t wait to get back to the UK and Europe, we had a blast on our last tour, and I am so excited to bring this new show over there!”

Siden Adam Lambert første gang delte scenen med Queen til American Idol-finalen i 2009, har hans dynamiske optrædener genoplivet bandet og glædet fans over hele verden. Fra deres første fulde show sammen i juni 2012 begejstrede de foran en halv million publikummer i Ukraines hovedstad Kiev. Siden da er May og Taylors musikalske fyrværkeri blevet matchet af Lamberts vokale overlegenhed og scenetække, hvilket skaber en eksplosiv kombination. Over 200 spillejobs senere er partnerskabet forblevet en kommerciel og kritiker-rost triumf, der spiller for fulde huse i alle verdenshjørner.

Deres historie er nu genstand for den store, nye to-timers tv-dokumentar “The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story”, der havde amerikansk præmiere i primetime på ABC TV, og trak et af aftenens største tv-publikummer. Med sjældne koncertoptagelser og eksklusive, afslørende portrætter af bandmedlemmerne (off stage), viser “The Show Must Go On” Queen og Lamberts utrolige rejse siden “American Idol.”

Fra hans ydmyge begyndelse og fremtoning på reality-tv til hans nuværende position midt på scenen som frontmand for Queen + Adam Lambert, indeholder filmen splinternye interviews med Lambert, hans forældre Leila og Eber og Queens stiftende medlemmer Brian May og Roger Taylor. Rami Malek, Golden Globe og Oscar-vinder for bedste skuespiller i ”Bohemian Rhapsody” og Foo Fighters’ Taylor Hawkins er også med. Dokumentaren forventes udsendt i Storbritannien i oktober.

“The Show Must Go On: The Queen + Adam Lambert Story” er produceret af Simon Lupton og Jim Beach for Miracle Productions, og Matt Lombardi er executive producer for Lincoln Square Productions.

QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT “Rhapsody Tour” UK & EUROPE 2020

Sun 24 May Bologna, Italy Unipol Arena
Tue 26 May Paris, France AccorHotels Arena
Wed 27 May Antwerp Belgium Sportspalais
Fri 29 May Amsterdam, Netherlands Ziggo Dome
Sat 30 May Amsterdam, Netherlands Ziggo Dome
Tue 2 June London, UK O2
Wed 3 June London, UK O2
Fri 5 June London, UK O2
Sat 6 June London, UK O2
Mon 8 June London, UK O2
Tue 9 June London, UK O2
Thu 11 June Manchester, UK Manchester Arena
Fri 12 June Manchester, UK Manchester Arena
Wed 17 June London, UK O2
Thu 18 June London, UK O2
Sat 20 June London, UK O2
Sun 21 June London, UK O2
Wed 24 June Berlin, German Mercedes-Benz Arena
Fri 26 June Cologne, Germany Lanxess Arena
Sun 28 June Zurich, Switzerland Hallenstadion
Mon 29 June Munich, Germany Olympiahalle
Wed 1 July Copenhagen, Denmark Royal Arena
Thu 2 July Copenhagen , Denmark Royal Arena
Tue 7 July Madrid, Spain Wiznik Centre
Wed 8 July Madrid, Spain Wiznik Centre

Once again completing the tour line-up will be the band’s long-term on-stage collaborator Spike Edney on keyboards, Neil Fairclough on bass and Tyler Warren on percussion.

Adam Lambert

Brian May on Adam Lambert: “Adam is a real gift from God. He’s a voice in a billion. Nobody has that range — nobody that I’ve ever worked with — and not just the range but the quality throughout the range. I’ve now seen Adam develop just like I watched Freddie develop.”
After blowing everyone away on the eighth season of American Idol, Adam Lambert went on to release his debut album ‘For Your Entertainment’ which included the international hit ‘Whatya Want From Me’ and earned him a Grammy Award nomination. Adam followed this success with his second album ‘Trespassing’ which became the first album to reach the number one spot in the US and Canada by an openly gay artist. His highly anticipated third album ‘The Original High’ was his first for Warner Bros Records which was executive produced by Max Martin and Shellback and included the smash hit ‘Ghost Town’. Adam joined the cast of Glee for a six-episode story in 2013 and performed the role of Eddie in Fox’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He went on to judge on The X Factor Australia where his artist, Isaiah, won the show. In between touring the world with Queen, Adam has been exploring the world of film and TV with a cameo in Oscar winning film ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ as well as voicing character ‘Emperor Maximus’ in animated-live action hybrid movie ‘Playmobil: The Movie’. Adam released single ‘Superpower’ on Sep 4th ahead of his highly anticipated EP ‘Velvet: Side A’ which went into the top 10 download chart in the UK and US on release.

“Rhapsody” North America tour quotes

“Never in the era of rock music has a band had such a rebirth.” – Philadelphia Enquirer
“Lambert continued to prove why he was an excellent pick to be the front man of Queen. His stage presence and command of the crowd makes him one of rock’s ultimate front persons.” – Seattle Music Insider.
“A non-stop, over-the-top musical affair – filled with pomp, glam and good old-fashioned rock and roll.” – Glide Magazine
“May and Taylor aren’t resting on their 40-plus years of good will. May solos on nearly every song, harmonizes, sings lead on “Love of my Life” and “39” and plays and sounds as good as ever. Taylor still twirls his sticks and smacks his drums with a young rocker’s glee and ferocity and also sounds great when he takes to the microphone on “Under Pressure” and “I’m in Love with My Car.” – Philadelphia Enquirer
“May had some otherworldly moments of his own, like the marathon guitar solo he performed amid an eye-popping array of asteroids, planets and interstellar dust.” – Dallas Morning News
“May remains a celestial entity worthy of orbiting. He proved it throughout the two hours Queen + Adam Lambert played to a packed Toyota Center.” – Houston Chronicle
“Both May and fellow OG member Roger Taylor exuded nothing but authenticity. Every guitar riff resounded with the authority of god-gifted thunder, and most of their vocals evoked agelessness (no lie: Taylor’s leads on “I’m in Love With My Car” were indistinguishable from the original track).” – Yahoo/Consequence of Sound
“May elected to perform “Love of My Life” solo. The clear choice to let no one other than Mercury sing it alongside him culminated into the evening’s most affecting moment.” – Yahoo/Consequence of Sound
“With Adam Lambert handling the lead singer spot, guitarist Brian May played like a beast, while drummer Roger Taylor shook the area with his drums.” – 6ABC
“Let’s be honest, any part of “Bohemian Rhapsody” makes for a mind-blowing live moment. But there was nothing quite like watching Brian May rise up from the floor to deliver perhaps one of the most iconic guitar solos of all time — in an iridescent bionic suit and mask. Talk about a face-melter.” – Billboard
“Taylor was certainly not left out. In fact, he handled David Bowie’s part in “Under Pressure,” singing as he continued drumming at the front of the runway. And when he and Lambert sang together, it was a reminder of just how perfect of a fit Lambert is with the group.” – Billboard
“One of the most touching was May’s solo acoustic rendition of “Love of My Life” accompanied by vintage video footage of Mercury so perfectly synced it was like seeing the duo miraculously reunited again.” -Chicago Sun Times
“From the moment the lights went out until the tape of “God Save the Queen” blasted throughout the arena speakers, Queen and Lambert owned the crowd where band and fan broke bread over arguably the greatest singles catalogue of the rock era.” – AntiMusic.com
“The trio nailed all the big, bombastic smashes, from “Killer Queen” to “Somebody to Love” to “Another One Bites the Dust” to “Fat Bottomed Girls.” But they also brought some intimacy to the arena when May sat at the edge of the runway that extended into the crowd and gently crooned “Love of My Life” backed only by his acoustic guitar and thousands of impromptu backup singers.” – Pioneer Press
“More than two hours of jaw-dropping renditions of classic tunes by one of the greatest rock bands of all time — capped by an encore of “We Will Rock You”/”We Are the Champions”. After nearly 50 years of trailblazing music, Queen are definitely more than doing all right.” – Local Current
“This is a partnership to be celebrated because it works to perfection.” – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“Whatever your age, this show is a must-see for Lambert’s soaring vocals alone. I lost count of his magical moments, but his performance of “Who Wants to Live Forever” and “The Show Must Go On” are near the top.” – Columbus Dispatch
“Throughout the night Taylor provides that thumping backbeat and May expertly knocks out those iconic Queen riffs in that unmistakable tone that regularly makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck.” – Loud Hailer
“Lambert’s vocal endurance was remarkable. His renditions of Queen’s well-loved songs were impeccable throughout the show and constituted a marathon vocal performance that spoke to his truly rare talent as a singer.” – Miami New Times
“Brian May’s guitar solo is an incredible mix of spectacle, space and guitar prowess – technology and music making for an amazing performance you will see nowhere else.” – The Sarasota Post
“When “Bohemian Rhapsody” is performed, there is near-religious fervor and joy. In fact “joy” is probably the best word that describes what the “Rhapsody” concert is about.” – Atlanta Intown
“May and Taylor continue to excel. Taylor is a stylistic beat keeper, while May reminded of his guitar prowess during a delicate and tasteful musical interlude late in the show that, true to Queen form, segued into the rock crunch of “Tie Your Mother Down.They are the heroes of his continuing story, but kudos to them – and the cosmos – for trusting the Lambert experiment.” – Atlanta Journal-Constitution
“Lambert and bad notes are like strangers who have never met. He can command the stage on sprightly tunes such as “Somebody to Love” and “Don’t Stop me Now.” He can vamp it up on a piano while holding a red fan doing “Killer Queen.” He can funnel his inner theatric on “The Show Must Go On” and wink through “Fat Bottomed Girls.” – AJC Radio & TV Talk Blog

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